Chicago Pizza! I just can’t finish a slice! But this is a good place to try it out! See if you can bite layers of bread with sauce!
Oh Chicago! your architecture is very romantic! Full of theaters culture and buildings! To have the best view go to the Hancock Tower and grab a cocktail!
The joys of cities are the museums! The best one is the Art Institute of Chicago…
…but also the Contemporary Museum is worth the visit.
Don’t forget the parks! Grand Park, Buckingham, the Roosevelt Area where the Aquarium and Planetarium are…and I heard Palmisano Park is where locals go hiking!

In Lincoln Park you can find a botanic garden and a Free Zoo!
Don’t forget on summer you can even go to the Beach! North Beach is more funky, then there is a small one near by call Oak beach, and also near the Aquarium you can find another spot!

Navy Pier is tourist but Classy!
As the Cloud Gate! where you can find yourself taking pictures for ours!
Chicago is full of Sculptures!

Chicago Buildings!

Last but not least! totally worth the trip, outside the big city to the Baha’i House of Worship. A Temple that mixes all the Gods, believing that all of them are the same one. The Religion must be united and everyone must be equal! No matter the color of skin or sex. The architecture is simply wonderful !
Just have a taste of Chicago! You won’t regret it!